Brent Integrated Care Partnership (Brent ICP) brings together health and care organisations from across the borough. It aims to work collaboratively with all the health, care and wellbeing organisations that serve the community of Brent.
Brent ICP is dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of residents and is committed to working with all of our diverse communities to ensure everyone’s needs are met.
We aim to place the resident at the heart of health and care services in order to tackle health inequalities together – working as equal partners and with a collective goal to improve the wellbeing of everyone in Brent.
How does the NHS in England work and how is it changing? The video below is created by The King’s Fund (
Date | Link to article or other publication |
17 April 2024 | Brent Borough Based Partnership article on same day access |
29 October 2024 | Update on progress across the ICP |
Brent Integrated Care Partnership (Brent ICP) is made up of a number of health, care and community/voluntary organisations working in partnership with the residents of Brent and the myriad of diverse communities they represent.
Below are links to the principal organisations that do the work to make Brent ICP function, although there are many others who make valuable contributions that are not listed below.
North West London Integrated Care System
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust
London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust
Brent Health Matters (Health inequalities partnership programme)
Kilburn Primary Care Network (PCN)
Vision for our residents
We will deliver high quality and best value for all of our core health and care services for the people of Brent. We will achieve this by:
- Addressing health inequalities by delivering services in a way that responds directly to the needs of our communities.
- Improving access to our services by increasing our workforce and appointments available at a time that suits people.
- Personalising services by bringing a wide range of services together at neighbourhood level wrapped around the needs of residents.
- Supporting people to maximise their independence, and caring for people closer to home.
Partnership Principles
- Everything we do should have the resident at its heart.
- We cannot tackle the current or future challenges of the health and care system as individual organisations, we must work together.
- We will develop a deep understanding and connection with communities.
Tackling health inequalities
We will work with Primary Care Networks (PCN's) and the community to try to deliver prevention and management to people in Brent that do not normally access healthcare services. Manage a patient advice line.
Mental health and wellbeing: co-design culturally appropriate awareness and training sessions with communities and VCS organisations.
Community: implement local action plans with five Brent Connect areas and develop action plans for thematic remits with statutory services. Committed to delivering at least five community events per month.
Engagement and communications: develop targeted communications assets to promote events, vaccinations and health and wellbeing offer to communities. Co-develop translated comms assets with community leaders and work with them to ensure appropriate distribution. Communicate and engage with communities through a range of channels.
Capacity development in the community: provide grants to community organisations to support health and wellbeing in the community. Work with VCS to promote health education and awareness in the community.
Social Prescribing: develop a holistic model, aligned to the emerging neighbourhood model
Children: vaccinations, oral health and paediatric hub development.
Strengthening primary care
Access: implementation of key changes to improve access, including making it easy to register and book an appointment, implementation of digital and telephony solutions, developing triaging capabilities through reception staff training, and expanding out of hours capacity.
Children and Young People: developing an effective Asthma pathway.
Community Pharmacy: increase public awareness of support available through Community Pharmacists and improve collaborative working between GP practice teams and Community Pharmacies to deliver the Community Pharmacy Consultation Service.
Integrated Working at Scale: improve collaborative working between GP practice teams, partner organisations and the community District Nursing teams to support better assessment and care for patients who are housebound with a physical healthcare need.
Population Coverage of Local Enhanced Services: providing full population coverage delivery through collaborative working by practices within each PCN.
Developing community care
Heart Failure: co-design of the Brent Heart Failure pathway with reviewed and agreed KPIs and aligned measurable outcomes to be fed into the NWL Business Case process.
Respiratory: co-design of the respiratory service specification and the launch of a COPD Case Management pilot.
Frailty: we have designed a holistic model of care for frail and complex patients, building upon best practices in Brent with a joined-up approach – implementation planned for Financial Year 23/24.
Rapid Response Hospital at Home: we will aim to provide a more person-centred care experience for individuals in their own home, avoiding the risks of healthcare-acquired infection, deconditioning and unnecessary long stays.
Rehab and Rehab and Reablement: developing a new 19 bed Rehabilitation Ward at Willesden Hospital, which fully opened on 20th March, and development of the next stage of the D2A pathway.
Integrated Neighbourhood Team Development: developing integrated hyper-local teams to support key community needs and developing a Health and Social Care Superhub Model for the five Connect areas in Brent.
Children Specialist Services: Neurodiversity Pathway, Speech and Language Therapies, and Integrated Neighbourhood Model.
Better mental health and wellbeing
Access, Demand and Pathways: Increasing access to IAPT services and in SMI Physical Health Checks through stronger collaboration with General Practice, upskilling of the community workforce and implementation of the Make Every Contact Count approach.
Employment: improve links and communication across the system (Health, DWP and Service Providers), work with employers to support more people with Mental Health issues into work, and support people with Mental Health issues to identify and apply for employment opportunities.
Housing and Accommodation: implement the new housing GP referral form to support more effective pathways, develop an integrated MH commissioning plan which meets holistic needs, prototype new approaches to working with landlords to support people with mental illness to maintain tenancies and provide better support for Rough Sleepers.
Children and Young People: co-produce a shared vision and commitment to Children and Young People in the borough, and develop clear pathways to support this. Deliver on key CYP priorities, including SEND improvement, development and implementation of local Thrive models for Brent, and expansion of Mental Health Support in Schools.
Terms of reference
Brent Integrated Care Partnership (Brent ICP) is the place based health and care partnership, as set out in the Health and Care Bill 2021.
Brent ICP works to improve health and wellbeing outcomes by targeting inequalities ensuring bespoke delivery tailored to our needs and our communities, as outlined within the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
These Terms of Reference set out how the Brent ICP Board (will work to strategically direct and oversee the activity and progress in delivering the Brent Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and other strategic plans.
Structure and partnership environment
Brent Borough Partnership Board sits within a wider framework of partnerships.
Purpose of the Brent ICP Board
The Brent ICP Board will focus on Brent residents of all ages, and will:
- Set the strategic direction for the Brent ICP, responding to Brent Health and Wellbeing Board (BHWB) policy framework to create system unity and clarity of purpose
- Provide the strategic leadership and drive partnership working for the benefit of our local population, including the delivery plans of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
- Ensure clear and robust partnership arrangements; minimising duplication with existing structures/governance and holding local leadership to account in the implementation of the Brent ICP / North West London Integrated Care System (NW london ICS)
- Enable effective decision making through the BHWB, by meeting six weeks in advance of the BHWB. A joint Brent ICP Board and BHWB work plan will be annually agreed and will ensure a coherent pathway through decision making structures
- Ensure structures manage thematic delivery effectively, within agreed performance management frameworks. Review the Brent ICP's success in delivering the agreed strategy, outcomes and work programmes, intervening as required to address any concerns
- Respond to changes in the operating environment, such as national policy or regulatory requirements
- Act as champions for the Brent ICP and its key strategies, both within and outside organisations
The composition of the Brent ICP Board contains representatives from the wider partnership environment, including the BHWB, the Brent ICP Executive Committee (Brent ICP EC), the Brent Children’s Trust (BCT) and the NW London ICS.
The following organisations/departments/roles are represented as the core membership:
Organisation / Partnership |
Position / detail |
Brent Council |
Chief Executive (Chair) |
Director of Public Health |
Cabinet Member for Public Health and Adult Social Care (Chair of BHWB) |
Cabinet Member responsible for Children’s Safeguarding, Early Help, and Social Care |
Strategic Director Children and Young People (Chair, BCT) |
Brent ICP EC |
ICP Independent Director (Co-Chair, ICPEC) |
Strategic Director Community and Wellbeing (Co-chair ICPEC) |
Brent Borough/ ICS |
Brent Borough Clinical Director |
Brent Borough Director |
NW London ICS link |
Providers |
Director, Central London Community Healthcare Trust |
Director, London North West University Hospital Trust |
Director, Central and North West London NHS Trust |
There will be a wider invitation list to the meetings of the Brent ICP Board as required by the agenda - individuals and organisations with known expertise and knowledge may be requested to attend meetings or relevant items.
The Brent ICP Board will meet quarterly, six weeks in advance of the BHWB.
A valid quorum for meetings is half of the members present. No decision shall be taken without:
- One local authority representative
- One provider representative
- One ICPEC representative
Membership expectations
- To attend the meetings of the BBPB and when they cannot attend to send a named deputy who has been briefed prior to their attendance.
- To have authority to be able to take action and make decisions as required
- To work together productively to overcome any cross-organisational barriers
- To take the lead on the delivery of specific priorities or actions as required
The role of the Chair is to ensure:
- Brent ICP governance is annually reviewed, to include agreement of a shared work plan with the BHWB
- The Brent ICP Board agrees annually updated delivery plans as required, which must include the JHWS delivery plans
The ICP Independent Director will act as vice chair as required.
All attendees have a duty of confidentiality regarding all information disclosed, shared and discussed between and during Brent ICP Board meetings. There will be occasions when selected information must not be disclosed outside the Brent ICP Board. The person disclosing such information is responsible for identifying it as confidential at the time it is given and for ensuring that its confidential status is identified in all relevant written material. Any challenge to the confidentiality of information will be referred to the Chair, whose decision on the matter will be final.
Administrative support
The administration of the Brent ICP Board will be provided by Brent Council.
Any other subgroup required can be established at the discretion of the Chair.
Urgent matters
Decisions may be made about urgent matters without a group meeting providing the written consent of the Chair is sought and given. In this case the Chair must ensure that every effort has been made to consult informally with members and report any decisions taken at the next meeting.
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